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New Jersey Association of School Psychologists

Announcing Trainings for 2022-2023 

Offered Through the NJ Association of School Psychologists (NJASP) 

Our Purpose 

Our purpose is to provide Professional Development for all school staff with the goal of increasing knowledge, competency, and improving outcomes for students. 

Our Focus 

Our focus is Development, Learning and Thriving, which highlights critical areas in supporting the academic growth and psychological well-being of students. We focus on three ongoing initiatives: Collaboration-for-the-Whole-Child, Mental Health, and Assessment-to-Intervention. 

We will be offering training and presentations throughout the year, some free and others at very affordable costs, as low as $10 per person. These trainings will be offered on a regular monthly basis with follow-up modules and consultation to provide attendees with the skills they need to implement what they’ve learned within their respective schools. 

Training will be offered via both a live and virtual format with CEUs awarded at the completion of each training. 

A link to the Training Center website with recordings of each training session and links to resources for further study will be provided to all attendees. Please stay alert for messaging of upcoming programs with more dates and times.

Collaboration-for-the-Whole-Child Initiative 

The Mindfulness-Based Classroom: Creating a Calm Classroom for Students and Teachers 

Presenter: Dale Starcher, PhD, Chair, Professional Development, NJASP, Director, Center for Stress Control, author, Mindfulness-Based Counseling for Self-Regulation 

Description: Starting off every class with a 30-second to 3-minute group centering exercise benefits both students and teachers. Students will be able to start the class from a calmer, more centered state of mind, and teachers will benefit from the students’ well-being. Staff will be provided with a large array of examples, and some will be practiced in the training session. 

Target audience: Teachers, child study team members, school counselors, administrators Cost: $20 ($10 for NJASP members); Date/Time: 7-8:15pm, 11/3/2022 

Positive Psychology: Date and Time to be Announced

Presenters: Dr. Terry Molony, Former School Psychologist of Year/NASP, 2014; Case-manager and school psychologist Cherry Hill SD, and is an Adjunct Professor, PCOM. Dr Molony brings a vast school-base and counseling experiences through her long-time work in the field and her ability to infused mindfulness and positive psychology in work. She is an assistant clinical professor in clinical psychology at PCOM

Description: This is an overview of how to use a “positive psychology” approach to working with children in schools and staff utilization. 

Target audience: All staff 

Cost: $20 ($10 for NJASP members), Date: 1/26/23, Time: 7-8:15pm 

Teachers and Child Study Teams Working Together: A three-part training: Date and Time to be Announced [Winter-to-Spring] 

Presenters: (TBD, Teacher(s) from Edgewater District), John Lestino, MA, President, NJASP, George McCloskey, PhD, Neuropsychologist, School Psychology Professor, PCOM 

Description: In parts one and two, a teacher and child study team case manager describe the benefits and different approaches to working in collaboration. In part three, Dr. McCloskey and a teacher describe the story book, The Day Frankie Left His Frontal Lobes at Home and how it helps students better understand their brain and how the executive functions work. 

Target audience: Teachers and CSTs: Cost: $20/module ($10/module for NJASP members); Dates/times (Winter Spring, 2023) 

Social-Emotional Learning and Shared Services 

Presenter: Mr. Geff Mastro, ED.S.,  MA, LPC, School Psychologist Burlington Township School, Director Abundant Life Counseling Center, Co-Chair Professional Development Committee 

Description: The theoretical models for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) will be presented. A focus will be placed upon the CASEL model which is one of the state-recommended approaches to SEL. Actual examples of how this has been used effectively in one district to improve student resilience and coping as well as teacher testimonies on its effectiveness will be reviewed.

Target audience: Child Study Team Members, Guidance Counselors, Teachers 

No cost; Dates/Times: (Coming in the spring) 

Mental Health Initiative 

Dual-Factor Model of Mental Health: A three-part training Part #1  October 19th 7:00-8:30 PM

Please look for the email registration and the url webpage.  Program is free. Donations to the NJASP scholarship fund will be accepted. 

Presenters: Beth Doll, PhD, Professor of School Psychology, Training Director of Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology, Univ. of Nebraska, author of Resilient Classrooms, co-author of Fostering the Emotional Well-Being of Our Youth; and NJASP Training Center staff. 

Description: Mental Health in schools have been viewed from only two perspectives: mental well-being or psychopathology. The Dual-Factor Model challenges this by taking a more dimensional approach by viewing students within four quadrants. This provides a more accurate, nuanced, and targeted approach to working with students. Using focused screenings and assessments, staff are better able to structure appropriate interventions for individual students. The Dual-Factor Model greatly expands the power of MTSS. These benefits will be discussed in light of school-based and classroom use as well e.g. of classroom and schoolwide surveys. Dr. Doll is the author of the Classroom Maps Surveys which explores social and interpersonal domains for students in the area like personal agency, peer interaction, classroom motivation and other SEL domains.

Target Audience: Child study teams, guidance counselors 

Date/Time: 7-8:15pm, 10/19/2022 (dates/times for parts two and three to be determined) Cost: Dr. Doll is generously giving her time to this training. However, we would like for you to consider making a small donation to the Children’s Fund at NJASP. More information on such donations will be provided during the presentation. 

ACT and The Matrix: A Three-Part Training

Presenter: Mr. Phil Tengalia, MA, Licensed Psychologist, PA and NJASP Member. Phil is website innovator ‘The Matrix Goes to School’ and ‘The Growth Opportunity Center’ among other podcast and training leadership activities. 

Description: Phil has over 30 years of experience working collaboratively with teachers and at-risk students inregular and special education classrooms, K-12. He will introduce both Acceptance and Commitment Therapyand the Matrix and how it can be used effectively within school settings. 

Target audience: Child Study Teams and School Counselors 

Cost: $20 ($10 for NJASP members), Date: 11/10, Time: 7-8:15pm (first session)

Medication Awareness, Common Childhood Disorders: Date and Time to be Announced 

Presenter: Dr. Joseph Hewitt, M.D., a neuropsychiatrist who has worked closely with child study teams across schools in South Jersey. His expertise can help guide staff when making critical decisions with individual students. 

Description: Program will highlight medications, brain interactions and how schools can be alert to effects of medications and psycho-social impacts.

Target audience: Child study teams, school counselors, social workers, school psychologists, substance abuse counselors, School-based anti-bullying and school climate and safety teams

Cost: $10 ($5 for NJASP members) (Coming in Spring, 2023)

Universal and Targeted Screenings: Two-part training 

Presenter: Dr. Nathaniel von der Embse, University of South Florida; Training Center Staff 

Description: This will be a review of both universal and targeted screeners, their benefits as well as their pitfalls. Specific screening instruments will be reviewed, the research base behind them, and their original intended purpose versus how they are being commonly used today. Dr. Beth Doll’s book on the whole child which has specific chapters devoted to this, will be referenced. 

Target audience: Child study team members, guidance counselors, administrators 

Cost: $20 ($10 for NJASP members), (Coming in February) 

Case Study Review Presentations: [Dates and Times to be Announced]

Presenters: Training Center staff and outside professionals 

Description: Case study review will be offered to school psychologists and school counselors on a regular basis. Participants will be invited to bring challenging cases in order to problem solve with colleagues and outside professionals which will include some presenters from prior trainings. Information from their trainings will be incorporated to integrate what has been learned into real time, practical application. 

Target audience: Any staff member who conducts counseling 

No Cost: Dates: These will occur during county meetings from 1pm-2pm, first meeting 12/15 

Mental Health Awareness: [Date and Time to be Announced]

Presenters: Training Center Staff 

Description: This will be a forum where we will present facts about different issues such as Health, Parenting, Mental Illnesses, etc. and share about our experiences dealing with these issues as school psychologists and clinicians. We will be sharing how we can better serve students and clients in various settings. More information on this will be provided over time. 

Target audience: All staff 

No Cost Date: in conjunction with 12/15 county meetings, Time: 1pm 

Assessment-to-Intervention Initiative 

SLD, the Law, and Best Practices for Classification 

Presenter: John Worthington, attorney, former NJDOE Legal Counsel; Current work, NJPSA

Description: Mr. Worthington will be discussing the SLD law and best practices. Please bring your questions related to the new SLD law we hope will be passed this year or next. 

Target Audience: Child Study Teams, Administrators 

Cost: $10 ($5 for NJASP members), Date: 11/16, Time: 7-8:15pm

RTI and Beyond: [Date and Time to be Announced]

Presenter:  Dr. Julia Coyne, School Psychology Program Director, Montclair University, Northern Delegate NJASP, IASP.

Description: The RTI process and its placed in a multi-tiered systems of support will be discussed including its application to the classification process

Overview of Assessment-to-Intervention Models: From Mixed Methods Case Study to Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses [Date and Time to be Announced] 

Presenter: Training Center staff 

Description: There are four primary scientific methodologies that have been used in the psychological, educational, and medical sciences over the past century. Because each has its benefits, but also its limitations, since the 1980’s, there has been a growing trend to integrate these four approaches. This interest has skyrocketed over the past ten years. This integration is referred to as a mixed-methods case study methodology, integrating quantitative, qualitative, nomothetic, idiographic, and case study methods. Examples that will be discussed: Luria and Vyotsky’s early methods; Feuerstein’s Dynamic Assessment and Mediated Learning; neo-Piagetian assessment-to-intervention models, and Patterns of Strength and Weaknesses models. 

Target audience: Child Study Teams 

Cost: $20 ($10 for NJASP members) Date: 1/12/23, Time: 7-8:15pm 

Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses Models: A three-part training 

Presenter: Drs. Dawn Flannagan, Terri Allen 

Description: A detailed overview of PSW will be covered, from data collection, to analysis, to decision-making to. This will guide case managers in how to use PSW in their practice. 

Target audience: 

Cost: $20/module ($10/module for NJASP members) 

Overview of PSW Models

Presenter:  Dr. Steve Korner

Description: This will be an overview of the 3 major models used in the field today related to patterns of strengths and weaknesses. The history and philosophical underpinnings of the PSW model and the individual approaches will be discussed. A connection will be made to learning and other disabilities as well as comments on projections for the future.

Target audience:  School psychologists, Learning consultants, Social workers

Cost:  $20/$10 for NJASP members

Integrating Assessment Instruments into Treatment Planning: Three-Part [Date and Time to be Announced] Presentations: 

Presenter: Dr. Jack Naglieri, Ph.D., author of the CASS and PASS Systems of evaluation

Description: This program will build on Dr. Naglieri’s keynote and December 2022 NJASP Conference presentations as well as prior trainings on universal and targeted screeners that specifically focuses on how to use specific assessment instruments properly to judge progress and monitor success related to IEP or treatment goals.

Cost: $20/module ($10/module for NJASP members) (Coming in Spring 2023)

To register for each event go to the main calendar on the events page of njasp.org
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