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New Jersey Association of School Psychologists

NJASP Advocacy

Government and professional relations Committee

Welcome to the NJASP Government and Professional Relations Committee Advocacy webpage.

It is our goal to provide comprehensive information regarding Federal and State legislative information that will assist in advocacy efforts for children and family.

Latest update on SLD bill


Isn’t the bill already passed?

No. A version of the bill has been passed by the Senate but still needs to go through Assembly. 

So, what is the status? 

Currently, there are two identical bills introduced in the Assembly that are referred to the Assembly Education committee. Once the committee schedules the bill there will just be one bill considered. Neither bill has been discussed in committee but NJASP GPR representatives have meetings with the chair of the Education committee and the sponsors of the Assembly bill. We hope to encourage movement on the legislation in the Assembly and discuss some differences between the original version of the bill endorsed by NJASP versus the current Senate version which includes revisions added following introduction in committee but prior to readings on the Senate floor...

See more FAQ here.

Link to copy of NJASP proposed bill and commentary 

So what's the difference between a "bill", "regulations" and "guidance"? Bill becomes a law.pdf


NASP is beginning a new initiative to support our members in promoting awareness of the NASP Practice Model and in advocating for your role and the profession. The NASP Push Project includes the It’s What We Do poster, a series of suggested social media posts, a ready-to-use adaptable presentation that outlines the Practice Model for stakeholders, and other adaptable resources all downloadable from the NASP website to help push out the understanding of the Practice Model.

Share "School Psychology" with potential future school psychologists!

NASP has officially launched the Exposure Project (NASP-EP) to expose high school students and undergraduates to school psychology.  As a school psychology graduate student, faculty member, or practitioner, please consider presenting to high school students or undergraduates in your area to expose them to the field.  ALL materials have been prepared for you and are available by accessing the Dropbox link below.  If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Dr. Charles Barrett, Co-Chair, African American Subcommittee at charles.barrett@lcps.org

Thanks for your support of this exciting project that will significantly affect the field of school psychology!

NASP Exposure Project

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