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New Jersey Association of School Psychologists

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  • Supporting immigrant students and families
Diversity Committee

Please note, these resources are intended solely to assist in supporting and connecting our school community with local resources and agencies. They are not meant to be legal advice or a substitute for legal counsel.

Most of the materials provided clearly indicate that they should not be considered legal advice. When sharing, please emphasize these resources are for informational purposes only and are not intended to replace legal counsel.

Resources for supporting our immigrant students and families

In light of recent events, we have compiled a few resources for supporting our immigrant students and their families. 

Many of our students and families have shared their concerns and are taking precautions, such as carrying important documents like passports, which can easily be lost or stolen. Encourage families to (a) make multiple copies of important documents and store them in secure locations, including cloud storage; (b) talk openly with their children about these matters; and (c) create a family preparedness plan and understand their rights.

The resources provided include information on what to do if approached by an immigration agent at school, home, in a vehicle, or on the street. Attached are templates for "Red Cards" in English and Spanish, guidance for caregivers on discussing deportation or separation with children, step-by-step guides for creating family preparedness plans in English and Spanish, and the Immigrants' Rights Toolkit for NJ.

  1. School-Related State and Federal Requirements Pertaining to Immigrant Students and Families

    This is an NJDOE website with resources including what to do if an agent demands access to school grounds; a sample administrative warrant (this is NOT a judicially issued warrant and is NOT signed by a judge); practical resources for families including "Know Your Rights" and creating a "Family Preparedness Plan"; Pro Bono Legal Service Provider; and guidance and tools for schools and caregivers on trauma-sensitive practices for supporting children and families.

  2. Red Cards / Tarjetas Rojas | Immigrant Legal Resource Center | ILRC  

    The Immigrant Legal Resource Center has created "Red Cards" with information regarding constitutional rights a person can present to immigration agents. They can be downloaded and printed in 16 different languages. English and Spanish templates have been attached to this e-mail. 

  3. Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plan | Immigrant Legal Resource Center | ILRC 

    Printable Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plan in English and Spanish.

  4. New Jersey Consortium for Immigrant Children
    Immigrant's rights Resources/ Recursos Sobre los Derechos de Inmigrantes

  5. Know Your Rights | Immigrants' Rights | ACLU

  6. We Protect Us! - Know Your Rights - Make the Road New York

    Make the Road NYC has put together a Deportation Defense Manual. "The purpose of this manual is to provide information, resources and a guide to create a plan of action to protect targeted communities against hyper enforcement perpetuated by ICE (“la Migra”)." The website also includes simple infographics on what to do if an agent comes to your door or stops you in the street.

  7. NASP - Supporting Immigrant Families and Upholding Their Rights - NASP membership required to access

  8. NJ-DOE - Broadcast - Guidance on School-Related State and Federal Requirements Pertaining to Immigrant Students and Families

Handout for Families

Self-Care Resources

Take a look at some of the self-care strategies in these articles and keep an eye out for signs of stress and burn out. Without filling your cup first you can not pour into anyone else's cup.

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